Pedestrian Accident Attorneys In Boynton Beach, FL Know the Score

A pedestrian accident attorney in Florida knows how complicated the law is in these accidents.  It is tough to achieve a favorable outcome for the pedestrian.  Even if the pedestrian wins a settlement, the pedestrian is often left with life-changing injuries.  More about Boynton Beach, FL can be seen here.

What the Attorney Does 

There are several times during the course of your accident process when you will need a lawyer from The Law Offices of Chad Nolan Horowitz to help you out. The experienced pedestrian accident attorney will know the laws and will know how insurance companies operate.  He may even be familiar with the judges in the local courts.  A pedestrian accident often leaves the pedestrian seriously injured.  You could even have head injuries that muddle your thinking.  You may not even know you have a concussion until several days after the accident.  The attorney will be able to handle all your legal issues while you cannot think clearly yourself. Click here to read about Are you at Fault in a Pedestrian Accident in Boynton Beach, FL.


The most important thing the pedestrian accident attorney does is help figure out who is really at fault. The attorney will have to act like a detective.  He will evaluate the evidence that the police present.  Then he will try to find new evidence that can show who was at fault.

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